... as the moon shines in the night, the wolf howls unstoppably. suddenly the thunder bangs, as it fills the atmosphere with a loud sound... and bla bla bla....
ok fine!!!~~~~ aku rase malas nk bwat crite fancy-mancy.... so... i'll tell u a stroy with a bilingual-rojak-style of story telling....
WARNING!!! whenever u read dis... please dont expect the unexpected n jgn cpat2 trase ok~~.... njoy the story~~!!! n to those yg benig mentioned inside dis post... sile jgn
once upon a time....
in faraway place called "masakin fustat"... tggal lah 1 family of org kaye2... the centre of the story revolves around a kind-hearted-cute-good-looking-neat-humble boy named LinguiniAfiqZhdeGlamorous a.k.a afiq... yg tggal bersame sorg mak-tiri-wannnabe named BoQueAfiqdeBususk a.k.a Mak Boq dan 2 org anknye yg undefined jantinanyerrr (koWt). 2 kakak/abg tiri afiq is: 1st, LahdeBunciti a.k.a kak Lah n 2nd NyahAdhadeErr a.k.a kak Adha.
ni lah muke mak Boq... she works s a model smentara kt tesco n pasaraya berdekatan anda... allaaaa~~ yg pompwan dok promote brg2 tuhh... nih larr orgnye....
nih lah muke kak Lah.... die nie currently bkerje sbg akauntan d sbuah syarikat pemprosesan n pmbersihan lji air sedunia... bru2 nih,.. company die brjaye invent n rawat air kotor smpai jd air minerl n die trpilih utk promosikn air nih kt majalah "the Vouge" edisi september 2010...
nih lah kak Adha.... die nih mmg rrrr..... hmmm.... ntah rrr...... x tau nk ckap ape.... gambo nih diiambil mase time pakwe die dtg rmh,.. time nih die pon bwat2 rajen,,.. sapu lantai konon gitu.... namun,... seswatu yg x diingini brlaku.... cube tgk pnyapu tuh btol2.....
ok lahhh... back to the story yerr...... evryday, afiq akn bgn pkol 3 pg.... kne masak air, basuh bju, bersihkn rumah yg beso gdabak mcam istana tuh, dll... u name it.... ok lahh... 4 full detail... dis is wat afiq's tentatif looks like:
- 0300: wake up in the ERLY morning...
- 0330: masak air, nk ganti air baru utk minum.... mak boq x suke mnum air lbey drpd 24 jam... katenye x sdap....
- 0400: kutip baju n kain skliling rumah yg beso bak istana...
- 0530: slesai kutip baju,.. (lame btoi nohh) pastuh stat basuh bju....
- 0630: slesai basuh sume kaen n baju (hand-wash only sbb kak adha x prcaye pd keberkesanan mesin)
- 0700: sdiakn srapan pg utk 3 eko mnusia laen tuhh...
- 0715: 3 eko mnusia tuh mule mmbunyikn loceng maseng2.. utk pggil afiq.... nk srapan pon sbenonye...
- 0720: sdiakn mknn ala2 hotel,,.. breakfast in bed gitu.... (nih sume sbb cdgn kak Lah yg gediks tue..)
- *0800: sesi motivasi brsame mak boq... especially kalo ade TER-bwat slh.... contohnye.... tertinggal sampah sebesa 0.2 cm ats lantai atau lupe nk tutop pintu rpt2 sbb ade gap sbesa 1.37 cm lg sblom pntu btol22 rpt...
- dll.... n etc...... (byk sgt koWt...)
soooo... nk jadikn citer.... satu ari,, rmh yg dorg dudok tuh.. dpt rr surat rasmi... drpd: "Fustat Next tOp moDeL" utk ujbkt sape yg layak utk menjd... "Fustat Next tOp moDeL".. time dpt jerr surat nihh... kak Lah ngn Kak Adha pon terlonjak2, terkinja2, tercirit2 gembire~~ dgn banggenye Kak Lah ckap: "aku rr yg mng nnt.. sbb aku cun,, dahi aku lawa... n aku pon SOPAn..."
dgr je Kak Lah ckap camtuhh... Kak adha pon trus mnyampuk: " weyy~~ apal ko plak?? ko tuh da rr BunciT!! ko tgk tuhhh... tmpat lmk bkmpol tuhh... tgk aku... slim, montok, sexy,,... bru lah MoDel-material..."
make berlakulahhh sdikit prkelahian ntra meka brdua.... mlihatkn bgitu... mak Boq pon bersware: "gurls!! gurls!! ape gado2 nih~~ x elok lahhh~~ eeee... jgn camtuhh... ank mak dua2 cantik... 1 of u sure2 mng rr... mummy yakin gituuhh"
kmudian mreka pon trgelak2 manje-gediks-meluat bersame ank branak... afiq yg dri td dok mnyental2 lantai kotoq kt bwh tuh trdgr dorg bcrite... since dorg 3 brAnak tuh mmg species yg sume-bende-nk-citer-kat-dunia make afiq pon dgr rrr sgale mende yg dorg dok ckp tuh.... dlm ati kci afiq ponn.. trdetik gak... "aku pon nk jd "Fustat Next tOp moDeL"".... hmmm.... die pon trdiam....
stelah slesai 3 jam mnyental lantai.... (ats arhn mAk boq).. afiq pon trus pegi backyard.... tmpat fav die... tatkala suke n duke... die pon dudok kt ats bangku.... "aku pon kalo boley nk jd "Fustat Next tOp moDeL" gak"....
: "ko nk jd "Fustat Next tOp moDeL"??? hehehee... aku boley tolong kowt....". mndgrkn sware misteri tuhh... afiq pon trus bgun dri tmpat dudok.. trus pndg knn, pndag kri.. xde gak org....
"sa..sa..sape tuh??" trketar2 sware afiq.. kmudian dri 1 sdut.... 1 chye biru-ala2-pinky muncul.... chaye tuh pon brpusing2... kliling afiq...
TIBE2!!!............. jeng jeng jeng!!!!!
TAMAT A tWistEd so-cAllEd "fAiRy-tAiL" (part 1)... c u nex time!!!